Global Analyser Solutions Gas Chromatography CompactGC4.0

Reliable, fast, easy to use

CompactGC4.0 – Reliable, fast, easy to use

Are you looking for a MicroGC catalysis research analyser for fast GC applications?

CompactGC4.0 from GAS is the best and most versatile MicroGC available. Looking at gas analysis from a laboratory point of view, a traditional “GC with valve-oven” would be used due to its reliability. Looking at it from a process-controller’s “need-for-speed” angle, a MicroGC would be the preferred choice. Looking at it in a smart way: you would not compromise but rather opt for the new CompactGC4.0! Being a hybrid technology design, the 19″ CompactGC4.0 offers you the best from both worlds; it delivers reliable answers fast ensuring the highest level of robustness and therefore the most cost-efficient micro-GC analysis.

Key Features

Fast – CompactGC4.0 delivers results in seconds. Cycle time is equal to runtime; no additional flush or conditioning is needed. Isothermal and programmable column ovens are available with heating rate up to 500oC/min.


Simple – CompactGC4.0 is easy and user-friendly. Instrument control is conveniently integrated in Chromeleon or Openlab/EZChrom chromatography data systems.


Exchangeable columns – CompactGC4.0 uses standard available columns, which can be replaced by the user in minutes, using finger-tight couplings. High flexibility and low operational costs are provided in this way. Capillary, wide-bore and packed columns can be installed.


Versatile – CompactGC4.0 offers up to 4 independent analysis channels, with a range of detectors: TCD, FID, PDD, PFPD, PID, PED, MS and VUV LUMA.

Several options are available:

  • Backflush option for protecting the analysis column from high boiling components and shortening analysis time
  • Stream selection valve for analysing multiple sample streams
  • Sampling from a small volume at low pressure, by creating a vacuum in the sample path first
  • 4-20 mA analogue outputs

Due to the 19″ standard enclosure, several CompactGC’s can be placed in a cabinet combined with other analytical equipment or a dynamic calibrator unit.

Application Areas

Catalyst Screening / On-line analysis / Petro

Speed and Flexibility in High Throughput analysis: short run times for fast screening and easy column replacement when new experiments require it.



Fast on-line analysis of Biogas. Optional channel available for low ppm Siloxanes (FID) or ppb Sulphur (PFPD).


Natural Gas Analyser

Natural Gas Analysers are available with various configurations on CompactGC. Optional channels are offered for low ppm H2 or sulphur components. Calorific Value / BTU calculation is also included.


Hydrocarbon analysis – Natural Gas, Hydrocarbon Processing Industries

Fast, single channel analysis of a wide range of hydrocarbons, using a temperature programmed column.


High Purity Analysis

Analysis of impurities in bulk gases by Pulsed Discharge Detector. Highly sensitive: low ppb detection limit.


Fermentation – Biotech – Online measurement

CompactGC is resistent against high water percentages, and is therefore very suitable for fermentation and biotech reactor experiments.


Low Sulphur

CompactGC with Pulsed Flame Photometric Detector: Selective analysis of low ppb Sulphur components.  Analysis without pre-concentration on a small footprint.


Air toxics, VOC, BTX, Low Sulphur with pre-concentrator module

ppb/ppt concentration levels are measured using the optional Thermal Desorption module.

Pre-packed traps with various (multibed) adsorbents are available to cover many applications.

Contact us to discuss your needs

As specialists in gas chromatography solutions, we offer innovative products and expert support to optimise your processes. Contact us today to discuss your requirements. Let us help you achieve accurate and efficient gas analysis with our industry-leading solutions.