Events and Exhibitions64th LBMSDG Meeting | 15th June | MRC London

9 June 2023by verulam

Verulam Scientific are pleased to announce that we will be attending at the 64TH LBMSDG meeting, taking place on Thursday 15th June at MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences in Hammersmith.


The London Biological Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group (#LBMSDG) exists to provide a unique forum for a diversity of #mass #spectrometry users including technicians, clinicians, academics, industrialists, and students. The quarterly meetings aim to get people together and discuss their common interest in mass spectrometry providing an opportunity for experts and novices alike to share ideas and network.


We will be looking to connect to our HTX Sprayer system users and find out where their research is heading. These sprayers are commonly used for sample preparation in #MALDI imaging and so we look forward to seeing the amazing images pushing all areas of research.


The meetings are free for all to attend and there are no membership or registration fees. Meetings consist of a plenary lecture followed by four twenty-minute talks including a student presentation.


Why not join us? To get your free tickets you will need to pre-register here – Event Link