FPLC Protein Purification Optimisation
Need to optimise your protein purification? Take a look at Knauer’s technical note for Azura FPLC systems: Your guide for two step purification – principles and system set up.
What is Two Step Purification?
Two step purification is a special multicolumn chromatography solution. Two independent methods, each with their associated specific column, are used to realize the purification of the target molecule without manual interference.
Why Should I Use Two Step Purification?
For many FPLC protein purifications a sequence of different methods is used to achieve pure protein. This protein purification strategy describes the combination of several method steps and divides them into capture, intermediate and polishing step. This eliminates multiple manual handling steps whilst minimising sample handling errors.
What are the Benefits?
- Increased efficiency
- Optimised workflow
- Eliminate manual handling steps
- Minimise sample handling errors
Read the full technical note here: VTN0013_How to optimize your purification Your guide for two step purification _principles and system set up.pdf (knauer.net)
Discover more about KNAUER AZURA FPLC systems. Contact the Verulam Scientific team on 01234 381000 or email [email protected]
Alternatively, check out our dedicated webpage https://verulamscientific.com/knauer-chromatography-solutions/