The DEXTech® demo instrument has been out and about again accompanied by Thomas Fiedler from LCTech, DEXTech® specialist for #clean-up of #PCB’s, #dioxins, and #furans. Thomas was joined by Andrew Reeder, Christine Townsend, and Sean O’Connor from the Verulam Scientific technical team. The #DEXTech was very busy and made short work of cleaning up and fractionating 11 samples of various matrices including oil (animal and vegetable), meat, and ash.
All this was achieved in a day and a half, including set up and packing!
Sample #preparation is one of the most elaborate and time-consuming process steps within #PCB and #dioxin #analysis. Easy-to-use and reliable #automation makes your work in the #laboratory much simpler.
The LCTech #DEXTech product family are suitable for sample preparation for all types of PCB and dioxin analysis:
- #Food and #feed samples, such as #fish, #meat, fish oil, #eggs, vegetable oils, and #animal feed mixtures
- #Environmental samples, such as #soil, #sewage sludge, and #sediments
- #Biological matrices, such as #blood
- Samples that solidify at room temperature, such as #PFADs or #stearin.
Contact us if you would like the DEXTech system to visit your lab on its tour of the UK. You can reach a member of our team at [email protected] or call 01234 381000.