Focus of the MonthThe Precellys® – The Cryolys Evolution

11 November 2024by verulam

During tissue homogenisation, how can heat generation be prevented?


The Cryolys Evolution is a patented cooling system compatible with the Precellys Evolution tissue homogenizer. Based on dry ice sublimation, it enhances the efficiency of molecular extraction, resulting in premium quality analysis, maintaining the desired temperature between 0 and 10°C before and during tissue homogenization.

The Precellys Evolution software monitors the temperature for fully accurate results. It allows an optimal protection of sensitive molecules, such as active RNA, siRNA, metabolites, enzymes and proteins, from heat degradation.


  • Efficient cooling: before, during and after processing
  • No need for compressed air or power supply
  • Accurate temperature monitored by Precellys® Evolution homogenizer software
  • Minimal bench space


Discover more about the Bertin Precellys instruments: Or contact the @Verulam Scientific team on 01234 381000 or email  [email protected]