EventsNIBSC 2024
Verulam Scientific are pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting at the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, taking place on Thursday 27th June.
Verulam Scientific are pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting at the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, taking place on Thursday 27th June.
Last week, Verulam Scientific, Darren Chan and Steve Ryder traveled to our French partner, Bertin Technologies, for some training on the Precellys.
Now stocking more items than ever
We will be exhibiting at a Single Suppliers Expo at Norwich Research Park.
Biotech Fluidics provide Great Fluidic Solutions and No Troubles with Bubbles.
Verulam Scientific are pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting alongside our German Partners, Axel Semrau, at Automate Europe by Oxford Global, taking place on 22nd and 23rd May at The Congress Centre in Basel, Germany.
The Inventor of Chromatography.
How Are Pharmaceutical Products Tested for Stability? What Is A pH Meter Used For? Why pH Meter Calibration Is Important.....
Today commemorates the 15th anniversary of Verulam Scientific Ltd.