PartnershipsProducts and SolutionsLC Tech PFAS SPE Columns

16 March 2023by verulam

PFAS (poly and fluorinated alkyl substances) are a group of what are know as ‘Forever Chemicals’, but we all know that by now. The UK Drinking Water Inspectorate (UKDWI) has identified a list of 47 of these chemicals which it has been looking to monitor in all drinking water to assess their prevalence since December 2021.


Whilst the highest specification LC/MS/MS systems can see these chemicals using a standard injection method with clean drinking water it is a different matter if you have dirtier matrices or a lower specification LC/MS/MS. Even for the high specification LC/MS/MS sometimes maintenance can be an issue when you directly inject.


Solid phase extraction (SPE) is used widely in the water industry as well as others and allows for matrix removal and/or the concentration of analytes.  LC Tech have been developing an SPE cartridge specifically for the extraction of the 47 PFAS identified by the UKDWI from water.


Are you developing a PFAS method in the UK? Are you getting good recoveries? Are you looking at a major investment in a top specification LC/MS/MS to hit your detection limits?


Why not have a chat with Verulam Scientific about trying these SPE cartridges from LCTech? We can even automate your whole process too.


LC Tech EluCLEAN Product Brochure


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